Happy Friday Writers!
Thank you for all of your hard work this week. As some of you might remember from earlier this year, QualityGal is always interested in feedback and constructive criticism. We used the feedback provided by writers to help us modify our writer resources and provide writers with more information.
With the start of the new year, QualityGal would like to encourage writers to provide feedback whenever possible: on article submissions, through comments on blog posts, or via email. We appreciate constructive criticism that helps us to improve as a group and helps to provide QG writers with better resources.
Feedback can also be provided through the QualityGal Survey, if you have yet to complete a Writer Feedback Survey, please feel free to do so. This survey is confidential and does not require writers to provide their name.
No matter which outlet you choose, we want to hear your opinion! Writer feedback will never affect a writer’s account status and can only help us to grow as a group.
What do you think of the Writer Resources?
What resources are not available in the Writer Panel that you would like to see?
What are your thoughts on editing? On article expectations?
Let’s get the dialog flowing!
As far as feedback, one thing I would love to mention is the communication quality with this company. If I have a question, problem, issue, comment…anything….I get such a fast response from the staff. I commend you on that! Happy New Year!