Don’t Be “That Guy”!

Happy Friday, Writers!

I hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend. Before we say goodbye for the week, I want to thank those who really stepped up to the plate this week and helped to complete our unclaimed projects.

For those of you who have been dropping articles, please stop.
If you are having difficulty working with within a certain deadline, please contact QG and we will do our best to provide a solution.

Please feel free to give us a shout anytime!
Enjoy your weekend!

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2 comments on “Don’t Be “That Guy”!
  1. January says:

    I just want to put out there that I:
    a.) love the new look of the site
    b.) would like to say thank you to Quality Gal for providing such a great level of communication. I have had to ask for extensions on articles (and while I would love to be able to wrap them up before deadline, I sometimes run into time blocks), but the quality “gals” are amazing! Anytime I have a concern or a question regarding an article, a layout, deadline or context, the response is received in a short amount of time. Quality Gal goes above and beyond to accommodate their writers. Just a shout out to any writers who might be dropping articles due to unaddressed concerns; just ask for help and you will receive!

  2. QualityGal says:

    Hey January,
    Thank you for the shout out!
    We do the best we can and QualityGal works best when everyone is on the same page.

    Your rock!