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Writing Prompts to Chisel at Your Writer’s Block

If you don’t use it, you lose it: That’s the case with your muscles, and it’s also the case with your creativity. The brain is like a muscle that should be stretched and exercised every once in a while. If

Posted in Writing Tips

“Brand Voice” Is a Myth (and Here’s Why)

I have come to believe quite firmly that the concept of “brand voice” is a myth. Or at least, it’s a myth for about 90% of brands. Here’s the thing: I’ve been listening to too much Brooks Landon. His discussions

Posted in Writing Tips

Flabby Phrases That Fluff Up Your Word Count

If you’re trying to bulk up the word count of a piece, it’s pretty obvious. It slows down the pace and makes a normally acceptable article suddenly TL;DR. The best articles tend to be concise. Eliminate these nonsense, redundant, and

Posted in Writing Tips

How to Anger a Nerd: Controversial Grammar Rules

Want to start an argument fast in a room full of writers and editors? Come down decisively on one side or the other of these seven contentious grammar issues. While most grammatical conventions are settled and agreed upon, these rules

Posted in Fun Stuff, Writing Tips

Do Rhetorical Questions Add Value to Your Content?

Do rhetorical questions add value to your content? Or are you doubting yourself about them? Do you not feel like the question belongs? Are you writing a piece where the rhetorical question would sound really odd? Are you being repetitious

Posted in Writing Tips