Pay Rate Changes, Effective 1/1

Any assignments handed out after 1/1 will be paid at new, higher rates. Existing assignments handed in after 1/1 will still be paid at the old rates.

Editing (per article) – $2
General articles (about 300 words) – $8
Researched and referenced articles (about 500 words) – $12
Blog posts – $20
Newsletter articles – $25
Linkbait articles – $50
Press Releases – $50

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Overdue assignments

I put out an APB concerning overdue assignments last night. I did not have enough available time and resources to reassign them to other writers before 9:00 am this morning. Therefore, if you have an overdue article in your My Articles section, you have a slight reprieve. But I need these articles by 9:00 am Monday 12/22. If you cannot do this, please release the article(s) so that someone else can write them instead.

If you pick up an article from the writer panel that is already overdue, please email me and ask me to change the due date to 12/22 so I don’t end up scolding you for missing the deadline. 😉

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More SEO Training

Editor Michelle found an article written by one of my co-workers that may help you understand SEO writing a little bit more: SEO Copywriting 101

Of course, Lisa (my co-worker and the author) would like to point out that this is an old piece that may not be the BEST thing out there, but it really boils things down to the basics.

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Commonly Misused Words

There’s a truly great post called… The Inigo Montoya Guide to 27 Commonly Misused Words
I highly recommend you read it.

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Sad News

I learned this morning that Editor Jen has passed away, apparently of natural cardiac causes.  She will be missed as both a friend and a coworker.

I am waiting to hear from her brother about where flowers and/or charitable donations can be sent, and I will let you know if you are interested in contributing.

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Posted in QualityGal updates

Sometimes, it's not just about doing well, it's about doing your best. Writing blogs exist to help you sharpen your skills, expand your vocabulary, and improve your grammar. Our blog aims to do just that and much more. We want to help you boost your skills and your confidence in yourself as a freelance writer. Blog posts from Online Writing Jobs cover a variety of topics, from content marketing tips to detailed grammar guidance. You can stay up to date with any major announcements as well. Learn about writing, marketing, and how to improve your career in freelance writing. Blogs, articles, and in-depth pieces can be easier and more fun to complete when you continue to aim for your best. Let us know what you think by leaving us comments or finding us on social media. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!