Must-Read for all bloggers

Our Chief Operating Officer, care of my supervisor, passed a long a few guides from ProBlogger that all of our bloggers MUST read…

10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog
7 Ways to Turn a Blog Post Upside Down and Get More Comments

Please post blogs in draft as soon as they have been edited. (Check at least once at the end of each business day.) All blog posts that have been edited in the past, MUST be posted in draft form (if they have not already been published).

If you have any questions, please email Christine – she is the one who is editing and publishing your blog posts.

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Posted in Blogging

To get your email answered faster

Because my email has been pretty crazy lately, my  supervisor has offered to help respond to questions.  You can email Christine on any article/blog/payment questions, and one of us will respond as soon as we can.

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Posted in QualityGal updates

Heads Up!

I have been informed that we are going to get very busy very soon, as early as tomorrow. This is a brand new type of project. It will be ongoing. I cannot share the details. But it’s very exciting for all of us!

I will soon be able to start giving out test assignments to new writers again, so if you’ve submitted your application, I hope to be able to get back to you within the next week. No promises, because things often happen that are out of my control, but I would really like to clear out my application file!

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Posted in QualityGal updates

Read the new page about deadlines.

You should all read my new page about meeting deadlines.

Any new writers who have applied and are waiting to receive test assignments should read it as well, because if you miss your deadline for a test assignment, you do not make the team.

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Posted in QualityGal updates

Reminder about Plagiarism and Duplicate Content

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If more than 50 words match when your article is run through  Copyscape, and they aren’t judged to be a “false positive” for including an address, team name, etc. that constitutes plagiarism. When full sentences match word for word, that is plagiarism. If a sentence is quoted verbatim, it must be inside of quotation marks followed by source attribution, or it is considered plagiarism. There are very few instances, though, where this will be acceptable in any of our work. Our job is to provide unique, quality content for our clients. Not duplicate content.

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Posted in QualityGal updates

Sometimes, it's not just about doing well, it's about doing your best. Writing blogs exist to help you sharpen your skills, expand your vocabulary, and improve your grammar. Our blog aims to do just that and much more. We want to help you boost your skills and your confidence in yourself as a freelance writer. Blog posts from Online Writing Jobs cover a variety of topics, from content marketing tips to detailed grammar guidance. You can stay up to date with any major announcements as well. Learn about writing, marketing, and how to improve your career in freelance writing. Blogs, articles, and in-depth pieces can be easier and more fun to complete when you continue to aim for your best. Let us know what you think by leaving us comments or finding us on social media. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!