Help is Needed on Urgent Articles Waiting to be Claimed

Good Morning Team:

Please help yourself to available articles:  Urgent ones are very urgent at this point.

Your help is much appreciated.

Thank you for all you do.


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Posted in Available Assignments

QG Updates: Writer Panel updates and our RSS feed!

Do you subscribe to our RSS feed?  We suggest that you should, because the QG blog (and Twitter!) is our preferred method of communicating news to you guys.  We hold all writing staff accountable for all announcements we post here, so following our RSS feed will be extra insurance you’re never out of the loop!  (For more info on how to subscribe to a RSS feed, here’s a tutorial that should be helpful.  Our RSS button is located in the site header.)

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Posted in QualityGal updates, Writer Panel Improvements

National Punctuation Day: How will you be celebrating? ;)

Believe it or not, tomorrow (September 24th) is National Punctuation Day!  You were planning on celebrating, weren’t you?

But QualityGal, you protest, how does one CELEBRATE National Punctuation Day?!

You could wear your love for punctuation loud and proud with this question mark bracelet or this semicolon pin.  You could blast ? and the Mysterians or spend the afternoon giggling over  Or, my favorite, you could cook the official meatloaf of National Punctuation Day!!

No matter how you celebrate, I hope your National Punctuation Day is a happy and memorable one. 😉

Posted in Fun Stuff

QualityGal update: “Suggested Styles” is live!

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Starting today, many (if not all) suggested articles are going to also include a suggested style.  We sat down with our clients and editors and complied a list of some of our more popular article formats.  We have then made this list available to the client, and they will now ask for specific styles when they request articles.  We’re hoping this cuts down on confusion between the editors and you guys!

Remember, just like the article instructions, you must follow the suggested style or your grade will suffer.

Any thoughts or questions about the suggested styles?  Please let me know!

Posted in Available Assignments, QualityGal updates, Writer Panel Improvements

A few more updates!

You will notice some articles are now coming in and are marked “URGENT” in the article description.  These articles are rush jobs from the client and need to be completed within the time specified, if not earlier!

Along those lines, it has come to our attention that a few writers are claiming more articles than they can take, and not completing them.  Certain articles have been claimed and released multiple times.  We understand that sometimes an article gets released for one reason or another, but some people are abusing the system.  This is obviously slowing turnaround times, and the clients have noticed.

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Posted in Available Assignments, QualityGal updates, Training

Sometimes, it's not just about doing well, it's about doing your best. Writing blogs exist to help you sharpen your skills, expand your vocabulary, and improve your grammar. Our blog aims to do just that and much more. We want to help you boost your skills and your confidence in yourself as a freelance writer. Blog posts from Online Writing Jobs cover a variety of topics, from content marketing tips to detailed grammar guidance. You can stay up to date with any major announcements as well. Learn about writing, marketing, and how to improve your career in freelance writing. Blogs, articles, and in-depth pieces can be easier and more fun to complete when you continue to aim for your best. Let us know what you think by leaving us comments or finding us on social media. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!