The blog post you’ve all been waiting for!

Effective 11/1/09, we will be increasing our pay scale!!!

The new pay scale will be based on the amount of links an article has, and will look like this:

up to 29 links: $12

30-39 links: $15

40-49 links: $18

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Posted in Fun Stuff, QualityGal updates

Thank you thank you thank you!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who took articles in the past few days!  We were majorly backed up, and a bunch of you really helped us out.  You guys rock!  🙂

Happy Wednesday!

Posted in Uncategorized

Big news!!

Happy Monday!

I have some news I’m certain you will all be excited about.

::: drumroll please :::

Tired of endlessly trying to find .edu/.gov/etc links?

We are easing up (a bit!) on our link policy.  Because we understand some topics are hard to find authoritative links for, we are more open to accepting .com links.  However, .edu/.gov links are still the gold standard, and are always preferred.  But if you can’t find that elusive .edu link, you can now include a .com with confidence!

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Posted in Uncategorized

Writers – We need your help!

Good Morning Team!

Please help yourself to the plethora of articles available on the writer panel:  I would appreciate your help with getting these completed.  If you are in need of an extension, please let me know!

For any new writers interested in applying — please visit:

Thank you for all of your hard work!

Posted in Available Assignments

This never happens!

Happy Thursday everybody!!  There’s a TON of unclaimed articles (still!) in the Panel!  Lots of variety – I’m sure everyone would find one they’re interested in! 🙂  Hop over there and claim a few!!

We’re usually at our busiest at the end and beginning of the month, so for those of you who get discouraged during the lean times, this is the perfect opportunity to grab some extra articles!

I hope everyone is having a great day!  The clients have been really pleased with your work lately – keep it up!!

Posted in Uncategorized

Sometimes, it's not just about doing well, it's about doing your best. Writing blogs exist to help you sharpen your skills, expand your vocabulary, and improve your grammar. Our blog aims to do just that and much more. We want to help you boost your skills and your confidence in yourself as a freelance writer. Blog posts from Online Writing Jobs cover a variety of topics, from content marketing tips to detailed grammar guidance. You can stay up to date with any major announcements as well. Learn about writing, marketing, and how to improve your career in freelance writing. Blogs, articles, and in-depth pieces can be easier and more fun to complete when you continue to aim for your best. Let us know what you think by leaving us comments or finding us on social media. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!