Why was I deactivated?

Happy Friday!!

A few of you might sign into the Panel soon and be surprised to see you’ve been deactivated. Due to an increasing number of assignments that require us to reveal the client to you, I need every writer who views the Panel to have signed off on the Non-Compete. Thus, all the writers who have not have been deactivated.

This in no way reflects on your performance at QG, it is merely a legal technicality. If you have been deactivated and would like to become active again, just send me a signed Non-Compete and you will immediately be reactivated back into good standing.

And, just for a heads up, in January we will be needing a new, signed W9 from all of our active writers. When that date gets closer I will give you a deadline, but keep in in the back of your minds!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Any questions, please contact Christine or I. Thanks!

Posted in Forms, QualityGal updates

QG FAQ: Who do I contact when…

Every morning when I come in, I have lots of emails with people asking for extensions. Unfortunately, I don’t check my email when I’m not here, so sometimes these requests can fall by the wayside.

For future reference, here’s a breakdown of when Christine and I are available.

Contact me: During 9:30am-5:30PM EST Monday-Friday. (If you have a question outside those hours that can wait until I am available to answer it, please send it in!)
Contact Christine: Before 9:30am or after 5:30pm EST, Monday-Friday, and anytime during weekends and/or holidays. If you have an after-hours request or emergency, Christine will be happy to take care of you.

I hope this helps!!!

Posted in QualityGal updates

QG FAQ: What are MFA sites?

Tired of being told your included links look too MFA? What IS MFA anyways?

MFA pages are “made for advertising” or “made for (Google) AdSense”. They exist solely to promote the products/websites on their pages.

So what does a MFA site look like? If you check out the “Writer Resources” tab in the Panel, there’s a brand-spankin’ new list loaded with examples of MFA sites. Wonder no more!

Worried your link might be MFA? Always shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to check it out!

Posted in QualityGal updates, Training, Writer Panel Improvements

A note about “Urgent” articles

Since we added the “Urgent” article status, a lot of you have really gone above and beyond to make sure those assignments are completed on time. You have no idea how much Christine and I (and the clients!) appreciate your dedication.
But (and there’s always a but), some people have been releasing “Urgent” articles. This is wholly unacceptable; “Urgent” articles are marked so because they are extremely critical for the client. I cannot emphasize enough how important these articles are.
Starting tonight, any writer who releases “Urgent” articles will be immediately placed on probation. If you must release an “Urgent” article for any reason, please send me an email and let me know why. We understand that emergencies or unforeseen circumstances can suddenly come up, but we need everyone on the team to also understand that these articles are an extremely high priority.
Please email me with any questions. Thank you so much for your understanding and continued dedication to excellence.

Posted in Available Assignments, Deadlines

UPDATE: Wanna know when new assignments come in?

Tomorrow, tomorrow, the enhancement is being added tomorrow!

If you’d like to be added to the list of people who would receive email notifications when new articles are added to the Panel, please send me an email and let me know!  If you left a comment on the last post, I’ve already added you to the list.

I’m also still looking for Writer Panel enhancement suggestions…please let me know!

Posted in Fun Stuff, QualityGal updates, Writer Panel Improvements

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