Everyone gets an A+, except for Francus!

Happy Monday afternoon ‘All! I hope not everyone’s day was as rainy as ours here in NY, it was the kinda day that makes you sleepy at one in the afternoon. Ick! I went to a great photo exhibit this weekend in Albany. Any photographers here? And I was told the Christine’s nautical knitting class went well, she’s going to make us all beach towels so we can come join her!

Thank you everyone, so far for your feedback. Keep it coming! The question that is, would you rather get a “B” and have an article sent back to an editor, or a “C” and have the article fixed by the editor without being sent back?

As with any internal changes, there are bound to be a few snags, thanks for sticking it out with us! As always, please feel free to email me with questions or concerns about grading. If I had my way, everyone (including me and Christine, but not Francus, lol) would get an A+ and a gold star at the end of the day!

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Christine is busy taking an underwater knitting class

Hello ‘All!

I hope everyone is well and looking forward to their weekend, I sure know Christine is. She has recently taken up underwater knitting on the weekends and will be unavailable to answer her emails, since our IT guys have yet to create an aqua-friendly device on which we can all access our QG emails (although now I am sure they will get right on that, lol).

So if you have an unexpected emergency over the weekend, like a Sunday afternoon extension, please give it your best shot, submit the article, and shoot me over an email letting me know what’s going on, and I can answer it Monday morning. I am an email nut, as some of you might have noticed, and I always check my messages before 10ish each day. And nothing would brighten my day like an inbox full of awesome writers!

One more thing, I am interested in getting some writer feedback on the editing system. When you have a few minutes, please shoot me over an email or leave a comment here. Would you rather have an article returned to you for changes and receive a “B” or have the editor make changes and receive a “C”? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and help us perfect the QG system.

Thank you and enjoy your weekend.
If you have an usual hobby like underwater knitting, I would love to hear about it!

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Posted in Deadlines, Fun Stuff, News, QualityGal updates, Uncategorized

Mail Server Fixed!

Hello QG Team!

Thanks to our awesome IT guys, the assignment mailing system is up and running! If anyone is experiencing any problems with the mailing system, please let me know! Thank you!

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Posted in Available Assignments, News, QualityGal updates

I Need Your April Fool’s Day Ideas!

Hey Guys! I hope everyone enjoyed their St. Patrick’s Day with some corned beef and green beer! It was my first corned beef experience, cooking it anyway. Being that I’m second generation Irish-American, there is no way I could go a St. Patty’s Day without eating some awesome food!

My next favorite holiday is fast approaching, and that is where I need everyone’s help. You see, I work with a particularly ruthless character by the name of Francus. Francus likes to put onions in Christine’s desk and has taken a liking to sticking is gross finger in my ear as he passes by me. I even have a squirt bottle hidden to get him back when he decides to play his little tricks. But the squirt bottle is not an effective deterrent, ‘cuz he just keeps on doing it. We tried getting even with this joker, Christine even went as far as to special order stinky cheese and hid it in his ceiling. I’m not joking, it’s crazy!

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Posted in Fun Stuff, QualityGal updates

QG Now has One Editor to Edit Your Articles

Good Afternoon Team:

We have heard your cries and we are working to make QG all it can be.

We now have  ONE editor to do all of the editing for the entire QG writing team. This will help in streamlining our processes and procedures, providing continuity and consistency to our editing process.

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Posted in Grading, QualityGal updates

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