Writer Panel Down for Maintenance at 12:30pm EST

Happy Thursday Writers!

The writer panel will be down for about an hour starting at 12:30 PM EST today (09/02/10) for maintenance.

*Update: Writer Panel was back up at 1:20 PM, sorry for the inconvenience.

If you have any questions please feel free to email the QG staff.
The writer panel is scheduled to be back up and running in plenty of time to meet today’s 3pm article deadline.

Thank you!

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Avoid the Dreaded Red Pen! – Spelling & Grammar


Happy Friday Writers!

We are wrapping up another week at QG, and we would like to stress the importance of correct spelling and grammar. Many writers are accustomed to breezing through articles using an automatic spell check or rushing through an article to meet the deadline; but beware of silly mistakes that can easily be avoided with a bit of writer TLC.

Automatic spell checks are usually good for catching obvious spelling errors, but this is not a substitute for self-editing. Automated systems cannot catch awkward sentences or the incorrect use of a word. The human eye is the most effective spelling/grammar check.

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Posted in QualityGal updates, Uncategorized, Writing Tips

QG Recycles!

Happy Friday Writers!

Here at QG, we believe in recycling; this week we found a new use for our shredded paper! After weeks of Christine and Francus going back and forth, Christine has finally reached her limit and pulled a prank so devious that Francus has yet to retaliate.

After taking stock of our office supplies, Christine decided to it would be a wonderful idea to use the contents of the office’s paper shredder (we have the one that shreds everything to teeny tiny squares) as makeshift confetti and “decorated” Francus’s office. Needless to say, Francus was not in a celebratory mood, lol!

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Posted in Fun Stuff, News, QualityGal updates

Don’t Be “That Guy”!

Happy Friday, Writers!

I hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend. Before we say goodbye for the week, I want to thank those who really stepped up to the plate this week and helped to complete our unclaimed projects.

For those of you who have been dropping articles, please stop.
If you are having difficulty working with within a certain deadline, please contact QG and we will do our best to provide a solution.

Please feel free to give us a shout anytime!
Enjoy your weekend!

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Posted in Deadlines, Extensions

Style 13 Changes – Please Double Check Your Claimed Articles

Good Morning Writers!

To update our writer resources and style guide, we have made changes to style #13. Style 13 is now listed as links without descriptions. To meet client needs, any articles already out in the panel with a style #13 have been changed to a style #12, links with descriptions.

Please double check your article instructions. If this changes affects your ability to complete the article by it’s scheduled time, please contact me and I will extend the article.

Thank you for your flexibility!

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Posted in Article Formats, Finding Good Links, QualityGal updates, Writer Panel Improvements

Sometimes, it's not just about doing well, it's about doing your best. Writing blogs exist to help you sharpen your skills, expand your vocabulary, and improve your grammar. Our blog aims to do just that and much more. We want to help you boost your skills and your confidence in yourself as a freelance writer. Blog posts from Online Writing Jobs cover a variety of topics, from content marketing tips to detailed grammar guidance. You can stay up to date with any major announcements as well. Learn about writing, marketing, and how to improve your career in freelance writing. Blogs, articles, and in-depth pieces can be easier and more fun to complete when you continue to aim for your best. Let us know what you think by leaving us comments or finding us on social media. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!