Why Links to Homepages Should Not Be Included as Resources in Articles

Hey QG Writers,

I hope everyone is doing well. Today I am going to talk a little bit about why links to homepages in articles should, for the most part, be avoided. We have been seeing an increase in homepage links and are hoping that the information in this post will shed some light on why they should not be included. When you include a bunch of homepage links in an article, it requires the reader of the article to then navigate around the sites being linked to in order to find the information they are after. This will often cause the reader frustration, as they want to be able to click on the link and be taken directly to the information they are looking for. You also want the links you include in your articles to be as directly related to the topic you are writing about as possible and 9 times out of 10 those are not going to be the homepage.

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Posted in Finding Good Links

Some More Modifications to the Rubric System

Hey QG Writers!

Once again, we’ve made some changes to the way the rubrics work.  We were running up against some issues, so rather than just list out the changes, I’ll mention the issues and how we have resolved them.

Grade Ranges Made Getting a C Too Difficult

Getting a C should be fairly easy, assuming the instructions were followed.  All it means is that, while we were able to improve upon the article and make it viable for our client, we had to spend more time correcting mistakes than we would have a B.  We still felt it was worth paying for rather than failing and reassigning, but, because of the extra time spent, could not pay out as much as a B receives.

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Posted in Grading

The Great A-xperiment Continues…

Things do not change; we change. – Henry David Thoreau
… except the rubrics… the rubrics change… but we’re getting there! – Matt 

Hey QG writers!

It’s been a busy few weeks as we continue the experiment of implementing the rubrics, paying over double the money for A articles, and raising the payouts for B articles.  It’s going well and overall we are seeing more care taken in each submission, which is greatly appreciated.

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Posted in Grading

How to Write Content People Will Actually Read


1. Don’t Dumb It Down.

As an editor, simplifying or dumbing your writing down is one of those writer “tips” that drive me up a wall. It comes from the outdated notion of the fabled “5th grade reading level.” Editors used to tell writers to dumb down their material, that the average American has a 5th grade reading level, and so to ensure the most amount of readers possible, you should write at one. Be clever, but don’t be smart. Nonsense… especially for what you write at OnlineWritingJobs.com.

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Posted in Writing Tips

We Edited the Editing Rubrics for the Editors

A PSA from the Department of Redundancy Department

Hey there QG writers!

Last week I wrote a blog post about the implementation of rubrics into our grading system, and since then we have received some great feedback about how we can make the rubrics better.

You spoke, we listened, and here are the changes:

Blog Rubric


  1. Sentence fluency has been removed as a criteria in this category.

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Posted in Grading

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