Mindy's Posts
Getting Creative (Commons!) With Multimedia

Juggling Hot Potatoes (or.. keeping articles from dropping!)
If you have been writing for QualityGal for a while you have most likely seen a decent variety of projects come through. One day you may be writing about kittens and the next you could be detailing what happens when atoms have their oxidation state changed by reduction. We’re thrilled to be able to offer you such a variety, but, we know that sometimes the projects we post can be challenging. We also know that when a project ends up being more difficult than you initially anticipated, that “drop Read more [...]
Posted in Freelance Writing
Do Rhetorical Questions Add Value to Your Content?
In academic writing, and in most QualityGal freelance writing work, rhetorical questions are not appropriate. A rhetorical question is one for which no answer is required or expected. These are used in written text when the writer assumes that the individual reading the content will know the answer, or the writer continues on to answer the question in the content. In content such as ours points can be made more clearly when the information alluded to in the question is included as a statement. Read more [...]
Posted in Writing Tips
Writers with a Commercial Driver’s License
Happy Friday!
You may have noticed in the last few weeks an interesting variety of projects making their way into the writer panel, and blog posts going up talking about other types of content that could be coming around the bend very soon. This is another one of those posts! If any of you have a CDL trucking license we have a special project just for you! Please let us know by sending us an email if you are interested and have your CDL trucking license.
Also, for all of our current writers… Read more [...]
Posted in Uncategorized
Yo Hablo Espanol?
Hola Writers!
QG may soon have the opportunity to complete content for a Spanish client. If this happens we will need your help! If you can write fluently in Spanish please let us know! We’re in need of Spanish fluent writers to help us give this client the content they need. If interested or if you have questions please feel free to send us an email.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Posted in Uncategorized