Dropped Article Reminder

Good Morning Writers:

As I’m sure many of you have noticed, there has been a decline in the number of article titles available; we are expecting the number of articles to pick up again and appreciate the dedication and patience of all of the QG writers.

To best manage the available assignments and make sure everyone has a fair shot to grab up some assignments, we would like to reiterate the importance of completing claimed projects by the assigned due date. Dropped assignments will not be tolerated. We understand that there may be extenuating circumstances; in an emergency please email QG and we will work with each article on a case by case basis.

Likewise, the QG article email notification will be viewed as a privilege and applied to preferred writer accounts only. To be eligible for preferred status, a writer need to prove that they are capable of consistently submitting “A” work and managing their claimed projects successfully, without falling behind on deadlines or dropping articles.

Thank you,


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One comment on “Dropped Article Reminder
  1. I like this message reminder.